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Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists.
Tag Description
100$aHahn, Brian.
245$aEssential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists.
250$a3rd ed.
300$a1 online resource (449 pages)
505$aCover -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Preface to the third edition -- PART I: ESSENTIALS -- Chapter 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Using MATLAB -- 1.2 The MATLAB desktop -- 1.3 Sample program -- 1.3.1 Cut and paste -- 1.3.2 Saving a program: script files -- 1.3.3 How a program works -- Chapter 2 MATLAB fundamentals -- 2.1 Variables and the workspace -- 2.1.1 Variables -- 2.1.2 Case sensitivity -- 2.1.3 The workspace -- 2.1.4 Adding commonly used constants to the workspace -- 2.2 Arrays: vectors and matrices -- 2.2.1 Initializing vectors: explicit lists -- 2.2.2 Initializing vectors: the colon operator -- 2.2.3 linspace -- 2.2.4 Transposing vectors -- 2.2.5 Subscripts -- 2.2.6 Matrices -- 2.2.7 Capturing output -- 2.3 Vertical motion under gravity -- 2.4 Operators, expressions and statements -- 2.4.1 Numbers -- 2.4.2 Data types -- 2.4.3 Arithmetic operators -- 2.4.4 Precedence of operators -- 2.4.5 The colon operator -- 2.4.6 The transpose operator -- 2.4.7 Arithmetic operations on arrays -- 2.4.8 Expressions -- 2.4.9 Statements -- 2.4.10 Statements, commands and functions -- 2.4.11 Vectorization of formulae -- 2.5 Output -- 2.5.1 disp -- 2.5.2 format -- 2.5.3 Scale factors -- 2.6 Repeating with for -- 2.6.1 Square roots with Newton's method -- 2.6.2 Factorials! -- 2.6.3 Limit of a sequence -- 2.6.4 The basic for construct -- 2.6.5 for in a single line -- 2.6.6 More general for -- 2.6.7 Avoid for loops by vectorizing! -- 2.6.8 A common mistake: for less loops! -- 2.7 Decisions -- 2.7.1 The one-line if statement -- 2.7.2 The if-else construct -- 2.7.3 The one-line if-else statement -- 2.7.4 elseif -- 2.7.5 Logical operators -- 2.7.6 Multiple ifs versus elseif -- 2.7.7 Nested ifs -- 2.7.8 Vectorizing ifs? -- 2.7.9 switch -- 2.8 Complex numbers -- 2.9 More on input and output -- 2.9.1 fprintf -- 2.9.2 Output to a disk file with fprintf.
505$a2.9.3 General file I/O -- 2.9.4 Saving and loading data -- 2.10 Odds 'n ends -- 2.10.1 Variables, functions and scripts with the same name -- 2.10.2 The input statement -- 2.10.3 Shelling out to the operating system -- 2.10.4 More Help functions -- 2.11 Programming style -- Chapter 3 Program design and algorithm development -- 3.1 Computer program design process -- 3.1.1 Projectile problem example -- 3.2 Other examples of structure plans -- 3.2.1 Quadratic equation -- 3.3 Structured programming with functions -- Chapter 4 MATLAB functions & *data import-export utilities -- 4.1 Some common functions -- 4.2 *Importing and exporting data -- 4.2.1 The load and save commands -- 4.2.2 Exporting text (ASCII) data -- 4.2.3 Importing text (ASCII) data -- 4.2.4 Exporting binary data -- 4.2.5 The Import Wizard -- 4.2.6 Low-level file I/O functions -- 4.2.7 Other import/export functions -- Chapter 5 Logical vectors -- 5.1 Examples -- 5.1.1 Discontinuous graphs -- 5.1.2 Avoiding division by zero -- 5.1.3 Avoiding infinity -- 5.1.4 Counting random numbers -- 5.1.5 Rolling dice -- 5.2 Logical operators -- 5.2.1 Operator precedence -- 5.2.2 Danger -- 5.2.3 Logical operators and vectors -- 5.3 Subscripting with logical vectors -- 5.4 Logical functions -- 5.4.1 Using any and all -- 5.5 Logical vectors instead of elseif ladders -- Chapter 6 Matrices of numbers & arrays of strings -- 6.1 Matrices -- 6.1.1 A concrete example -- 6.1.2 Creating matrices -- 6.1.3 Subscripts -- 6.1.4 Transpose -- 6.1.5 The colon operator -- 6.1.6 Duplicating rows and columns: tiling -- 6.1.7 Deleting rows and columns -- 6.1.8 Elementary matrices -- 6.1.9 *Specialized matrices -- 6.1.10 Using MATLAB functions with matrices -- 6.1.11 Manipulating matrices -- 6.1.12 Array (element-by-element) operations on matrices -- 6.1.13 Matrices and for -- 6.1.14 Visualization of matrices.
505$a6.1.15 Vectorizing nested fors: loan repayment tables -- 6.1.16 Multidimensional arrays -- 6.2 Matrix operations -- 6.2.1 Matrix multiplication -- 6.2.2 Matrix exponentiation -- 6.3 Other matrix functions -- 6.4 *Strings -- 6.4.1 Assignment -- 6.4.2 Input -- 6.4.3 Strings are arrays -- 6.4.4 Concatenation of strings -- 6.4.5 ASCII codes, double and char -- 6.4.6 fprintf of strings -- 6.4.7 Comparing strings -- 6.4.8 Other string functions -- 6.5 *Two-dimensional strings -- 6.6 *eval and text macros -- 6.6.1 Error trapping with eval and lasterr -- 6.6.2 eval with tryƒcatch -- Chapter 7 Introduction to graphics -- 7.1 Basic 2-D graphs -- 7.1.1 Labels -- 7.1.2 Multiple plots on the same axes -- 7.1.3 Line styles, markers and color -- 7.1.4 Axis limits -- 7.1.5 Multiple plots in a figure: subplot -- 7.1.6 figure, clf and cla -- 7.1.7 Graphical input -- 7.1.8 Logarithmic plots -- 7.1.9 Polar plots -- 7.1.10 Plotting rapidly changing mathematical functions: fplot -- 7.1.11 The property editor -- 7.2 3-D plots -- 7.2.1 plot3 -- 7.2.2 Animated 3-D plots with comet3 -- 7.2.3 Mesh surfaces -- 7.2.4 Contour plots -- 7.2.5 Cropping a surface with NaNs -- 7.2.6 Visualizing vector fields -- 7.2.7 Visualization of matrices -- 7.2.8 Rotation of 3-D graphs -- 7.2.9 Other cool graphics functions -- Chapter 8 Loops -- 8.1 Determinate repetition with for -- 8.1.1 Binomial coefficient -- 8.1.2 Update processes -- 8.1.3 Nested fors -- 8.2 Indeterminate repetition with while -- 8.2.1 A guessing game -- 8.2.2 The while statement -- 8.2.3 Doubling time of an investment -- 8.2.4 Prime numbers -- 8.2.5 Projectile trajectory -- 8.2.6 break and continue -- 8.2.7 Menus -- Chapter 9 Errors and pitfalls -- 9.1 Syntax errors -- 9.1.1 lasterr -- 9.2 Pitfalls and surprises -- 9.2.1 Incompatible vector sizes -- 9.2.2 Name hiding -- 9.2.3 Other pitfalls for the unwary.
505$a9.3 Errors in logic -- 9.4 Rounding error -- 9.5 Trapping and generating errors -- Chapter 10 Function M-files -- 10.1 Some examples -- 10.1.1 Inline objects: harmonic oscillators -- 10.1.2 Function M-files: Newton's method again -- 10.2 Basic rules -- 10.2.1 Subfunctions -- 10.2.2 Private functions -- 10.2.3 P-code files -- 10.2.4 Improving M-file performance with the profiler -- 10.3 Function handles -- 10.4 Command/function duality -- 10.5 Function name resolution -- 10.6 Debugging M-files -- 10.6.1 Debugging a script -- 10.6.2 Debugging a function -- 10.7 Recursion -- Chapter 11 Vectors as arrays & *advanced data structures -- 11.1 Update processes -- 11.1.1 Unit time steps -- 11.1.2 Non-unit time steps -- 11.1.3 Using a function -- 11.1.4 Exact solution -- 11.2 Frequencies, bar charts and histograms -- 11.2.1 A random walk -- 11.2.2 Histograms -- 11.3 *Sorting -- 11.3.1 Bubble Sort -- 11.3.2 MATLAB's sort -- 11.4 *Structures -- 11.5 *Cell arrays -- 11.5.1 Assigning data to cell arrays -- 11.5.2 Accessing data in cell arrays -- 11.5.3 Using cell arrays -- 11.5.4 Displaying and visualizing cell arrays -- 11.6 *Classes and objects -- Chapter 12 *More graphics -- 12.1 Handle Graphics -- 12.1.1 Getting handles -- 12.1.2 Graphics object properties and how to change them -- 12.1.3 A vector of handles -- 12.1.4 Graphics object creation functions -- 12.1.5 Parenting -- 12.1.6 Positioning figures -- 12.2 Editing plots -- 12.2.1 Plot edit mode -- 12.2.2 Property Editor -- 12.3 Animation -- 12.3.1 Animation with Handle Graphics -- 12.4 Color etc. -- 12.4.1 Colormaps -- 12.4.2 Color of surface plots -- 12.4.3 Truecolor -- 12.5 Lighting and camera -- 12.6 Saving, printing and exporting graphs -- 12.6.1 Saving and opening figure files -- 12.6.2 Printing a graph -- 12.6.3 Exporting a graph -- Chapter 13 *Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs).
505$a13.1 Basic structure of a GUI -- 13.2 A first example: getting the time -- 13.2.1 Exercise -- 13.3 Newton again -- 13.4 Axes on a GUI -- 13.5 Adding color to a button -- PART II: APPLICATIONS -- Chapter 14 Dynamical systems -- 14.1 Cantilever beam -- 14.2 Electric current -- 14.3 Free fall -- 14.4 Projectile with friction -- Chapter 15 Simulation -- 15.1 Random number generation -- 15.1.1 Seeding rand -- 15.2 Spinning coins -- 15.3 Rolling dice -- 15.4 Bacteria division -- 15.5 A random walk -- 15.6 Traffic flow -- 15.7 Normal (Gaussian) random numbers -- Chapter 16 *More matrices -- 16.1 Leslie matrices: population growth -- 16.2 Markov processes -- 16.2.1 A random walk -- 16.3 Linear equations -- 16.3.1 MATLAB's solution -- 16.3.2 The residual -- 16.3.3 Overdetermined systems -- 16.3.4 Underdetermined systems -- 16.3.5 Ill conditioning -- 16.3.6 Matrix division -- 16.4 Sparse matrices -- Chapter 17 *Introduction to numerical methods -- 17.1 Equations -- 17.1.1 Newton's method -- 17.1.2 The Bisection method -- 17.1.3 fzero -- 17.1.4 roots -- 17.2 Integration -- 17.2.1 The Trapezoidal rule -- 17.2.2 Simpson's rule -- 17.2.3 quad -- 17.3 Numerical differentiation -- 17.3.1 diff -- 17.4 First-order differential equations -- 17.4.1 Euler's method -- 17.4.2 Example: bacteria growth -- 17.4.3 Alternative subscript notation -- 17.4.4 A predictor-corrector method -- 17.5 Linear ordinary differential equations (LODEs) -- 17.6 Runge-Kutta methods -- 17.6.1 A single differential equation -- 17.6.2 Systems of differential equations: chaos -- 17.6.3 Passing additional parameters to an ODE solver -- 17.7 A partial differential equation -- 17.7.1 Heat conduction -- 17.8 Other numerical methods -- Appendix A: Syntax quick reference -- A.1 Expressions -- A.2 Function M-files -- A.3 Graphics -- A.4 if and switch -- A.5 for and while -- A.6 Input/output.
505$aA.7 load/ save.
650$aNumerical analysis--Data processing.
655$aElectronic books.
700$aValentine, Daniel T.
700$aValentine, Dan.
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